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  • the requirements of: Uber's Exabyte-Scale Data Infrastructure (The Uber Series Part I)

the requirements of: Uber's Exabyte-Scale Data Infrastructure (The Uber Series Part I)

how 9 open source technologies solve for massive scale that continues to grow exponentially amidst complex, competing requirements

Nobody does data like Uber.

With more people than Mexico’s population 🇲🇽 using Uber each month (137M) - you know they have data:

  • 1 EXABYTE of data across tens of thousands of servers in EACH of their two regions (that’s 2,000,000 terabytes)

  • 500,000+ Hive Tables

  • 400,000+ Spark apps ran each day, processing HUNDREDS of PETABYTES

  • Each day, they stream 12 TRILLION messages worth 7.7 petabytes of data. 🔥

Let’s go through their stack:

The Stack

Uber’s Data Infra Stack

  • GCS ☁️

  • Apache Hadoop - HDFS 🐘

  • Apache Spark ⚡️

  • Apache Kafka 🏎️

  • Apache Pinot 🍷

  • Apache Flink 🐿️

  • Apache Parquet 🪵

  • Apache Hudi 🔼

  • Apache Hive 🐝

  • Presto 🪄

The common denominator?

Apache. 🪶

It’s all open source. (well… 99%)
The reasons they cited:

The Requirements

They generally relate to these aspects:

  • consistency / exactly once - mission-critical financial dashboards require consistent data across regions. Can’t skew data when it comes to 💵 !

  • availability - 99.99%. Loss of availability == significant financial losses (e.g unable to price rides)

  • data freshness - most use cases require seconds-level freshness. i.e data must be available for processing seconds after being produced (critical for demand-supply skews, etc)

  • query latency - some cases require p99 latency < 1 second.

    • e.g UberEats’ Restaurant manager executes a few analytical queries for each page load

  • scalability - the ability to scale with the ever-growing data set (petabytes collected a day) without re-architecting is a fundamental requirement

  • cost - Uber is low margin, so they need to ensure the cost is low.

    • This influences a lot of things - like data to keep in memory, tiered storage, pre-materialization vs. runtime computation, etc.

  • flexibility - need to provide both a SQL and programmatic interface.

You can’t guarantee all of these for one use case. (CAP theorem)

So it’s a question of how you provide the right mixture for each particular use case.

More Challenges

As if that wasn’t hard enough! 😮‍💨

Similar to a 3D cube, they have requirements growing in 3 opposite directions:

the 3 dimensions

  1. Scaling Data - total incoming data volume is growing at an exponential rate

    1. Replication factor & several geo regions copy data.

    2. Can’t afford to regress on data freshness, e2e latency & availability while growing.

  2. Scaling Use Cases - new use cases arise from various verticals & groups, each with competing requirements.

  3. Scaling Users - the diverse users fall on a big spectrum of technical skills. (some none, some a lot)

The Use Cases

just some of the use cases

  • compute Surge Pricing - dynamic trip prices based on real-time supply & demand

    • needs data freshness, availability

  • fine tune your ETA prediction ML model with real-world outcomes

    • needs scale: absurd volume & cardinality - highest QPS model in their stack

  • power internal dashboards for ad-hoc exploration (e.g Growth Marketing teams figuring out incentives grow the business)

    • needs flexibility

  • generate reports for your Ops team to share with local authorities

    • needs completeness

  • push notifications / track ad impressions

    • needs exactly once, scale, low latency

  • UberEats:

    • visualize restaurant’s numbers in a dashboard

      • needs low latency, data completeness

    • generate daily restaurant statements

      • needs completeness

    • show popular orders near me

      • needs low latency

The Architecture

That’s all for two minutes!

the missing pieces

Wanna learn more about the details?

Tune in next week.

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